英语老师说不能在C了| (聚焦三中全会)怀进鹏:三中全会《决定》强调统筹强化关键核心技术攻关

来源: 新华社
2024-07-21 08:48:48

Title: Why English Teachers Say "Can't" in Class


In the world of English language education, it is not uncommon for English teachers to caution their students against using the word "can't." This word, often associated with negativity and limitations, can inadvertently hinder language development. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind English teachers discouraging the use of "can't" in class, taking into consideration the importance of mindset, learning opportunities, and individual growth.

I. The Power of Positive Mindset: Choosing Words Wisely
In the realm of language learning, positive reinforcement and encouragement go a long way. By telling students they "can't" do something, they are conditioned to believe that they truly cannot achieve it. Consequently, an atmosphere of self-doubt and limited potential is created. English teachers strive to foster a positive mindset that encourages students to face challenges confidently and view language learning as a journey of possibility. Encouraging students to say "I'm working on it" or "I'm not there yet" instead of resorting to "can't" instills persistence, perseverance, and resilience – qualities essential to language acquisition and personal growth.

II. Embracing Learning Opportunities: Expanding Horizons
Every challenge encountered in language learning presents an opportunity to enhance skills and knowledge. When students respond to a task with "I can't," they close themselves off from the chance to learn and grow. By eliminating this limiting language from the classroom, English teachers motivate students to recognize their capacity for growth, adaptability, and progress. Students can then begin to approach difficulties with a problem-solving mindset, seeking strategies and techniques to overcome linguistic obstacles. Without the presence of "can't," the focus shifts from what cannot be done to what can be achieved through effort, practice, and perseverance.

III. Cultivating Personal Development: Building Confidence and Independence
Language learning is not just about acquiring vocabulary and grammar; it also encompasses building self-confidence and developing communication skills. The consistent use of "can't" can discourage students by implying that they are incapable, leading to a lack of confidence in their language abilities. Conversely, by creating an atmosphere that promotes frequent trials, errors, and successes, English teachers impart students with the ability to persevere in the face of challenges. By encouraging students to reframe their language, teachers empower them to become more independent learners who actively seek solutions and overcome language barriers.


In conclusion, English teachers discourage the use of "can't" in class for valid reasons. By shaping a positive mindset and instilling a growth-oriented attitude, educators enable students to embrace challenges and expand their horizons. Through eliminating the word "can't," a learning environment is established that fosters personal development, confidence, and independence. As English learners progress beyond the classroom, these valuable skills and mindsets will accompany them in their lifelong journey of language acquisition and personal growth. So next time you're tempted to say "can't," remember the power of suggesting "I'm working on it" instead - the impact could be transformational.

  中新社北京7月19日电 (记者 张素 王恩博)中共中央7月19日在北京举行新闻发布会,介绍和解读中共二十届三中全会精神。教育部党组书记、部长怀进鹏表示,《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》(简称《决定》)强调要优化重大科技创新组织机制,加强国家战略科技力量建设,统筹强化关键核心技术攻关。

7月19日,中共中央在北京举行新闻发布会,介绍和解读中共二十届三中全会精神。 中新社</a>记者 杨可佳 摄        
7月19日,中共中央在北京举行新闻发布会,介绍和解读中共二十届三中全会精神。 中新社记者 杨可佳 摄









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